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Cardiovascular Disease- How to Reverse Heart Disease
Risk factor modifications to prevent or improve coronary heart disease:
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the key to the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD)or improvement of the CHD course is the emphasis of the following goals for cardiovascular disease risk reduction (82): 1) evidence-based dietary changes; 2) cardiopulmonary exercise; 3) achieving healthy bodyweight; 4) favorable lipid panel; 5) maintaining normal blood pressure; 6) avoidance of smoking; and 7) keeping blood glucose levels within normal range. (82)
Heart Health Risk Assessment Tool:
Heart Health Risk Assessment, “My Life Check,” is a free screening tool designed to determine risk of heart disease. This simple tool evaluates 7 simple achievements used to improve heart health. The tool will be a quick assessment of heart health by entering blood pressure, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, activity level, fruit/vegetable intake, body weight, and smoking. This takes about 2 minutes to complete. It has been determined that a greater achievement in heart health in these 7 simple guidelines results in a lower lifetime occurrence of heart disease including heart failure (114).