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How to Stay Young

You may have noticed that this adds up to only five days of exercise. That is because you are going to devote one day just to balance and flexibility exercises. I would recommend making this the last exercise day of your week.

If you are already active:

Note: You do not qualify as active if you count golf, gardening, or housework as “exercise.” This work may or may not get your circulation going, but either way it isn’t meaningful exercise.

There are a lot of people who are going to fight me on this. ‘I have a big garden,’ they say, ‘I really work hard when I clean my house.’ Let’s get real here. Look at your body. Are you lean, strong, and at your optimal weight? No? Then your golf or gardening ‘workout’ isn’t doing anything for you. Go back to the ‘just starting out’ section of this chapter and start there. Come back when you’re sweating regularly for six days a week.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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