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How to Stay Young

Fortunately for you, the folks at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University were one step ahead of you. They have taken all of the knowledge that has been gleaned over the last 20 years and used it to come up with a modified Food Pyramid Guide for people aged 70 and older.

There are four big differences between the old Food Pyramid and the Tufts’ version. These have to do with water, fiber, antioxidants, and supplements.

The Tufts’ Food Guide Pyramid Explained

The Tufts’ Food Pyramid had eight 8-ounce glasses of water at its base. As people age they often lose some of their thirst sensation. This is right at the time when you are at increased risk of developing constipation and dehydration. In addition to drinking water, you will want to include more fluids into your life in general. Some foods and drinks that will help are soups, vegetable juice, broths, and fat free milk.

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