Search for wellness enhancements with nutrition, supplements, and exercise. We help you reduce medication dependence and achieve ideal health.

How to Stay Young

Your taste buds are also getting a little less sharp that they used to be. Senior taste buds. Who would have known? Your sense of smell is declining a bit as well. These both affect how much you enjoy your food. If you’re on medication, that can also alter the way foods taste.

Your biggest concern in the eating department should be to make sure you get enough nutrients. If you eat low quality food—or the same foods every day—you can be in danger of developing a nutritional deficit.

So how do you get around these problems? Here are some guidelines to help you out:
How to Eat Well When You Don’t Want to Eat

1) If food doesn’t taste right, experiment with different spices. Go to the baking section of your grocery store and look at all of the different spice blends. Make sure you check the sodium content. Take a few home with you. Sauté different spices in a teaspoon of olive oil to pull out the flavors ,before cooking as normal.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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