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How to Stay Young

40 is a special age. It’s a time when you reexamine your life and take stock of the person you have become. It is also the time to start getting your cholesterol, blood pressure, and body fat percentage checked. If you are a woman you will have your first mammogram. If you take my advice you will do all of this before you start exercising. You may want to go in after three months of exercise and healthy eating just to see how much you have improved. That is purely optional, however.

Now that you’re all grown up there is something we need to talk about.


You need a hobby. It doesn’t actually matter what it is so long as you enjoy it and it helps you relax. You’re dealing with a lot of stress in your life. This wears at you, which speeds up the aging process. It lowers your ability to fight off cancer and is a contributing factor in hypertension and cardio-vascular disease. Doing something you enjoy helps protect you against these things.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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