Search for wellness enhancements with nutrition, supplements, and exercise. We help you reduce medication dependence and achieve ideal health.

How to Stay Young

Plank (This works everything)

Lie on your stomach. Come up onto your elbows. Beginners: You will be on your elbows and knees. Keep your back flat and pull your belly button in. You want to get to the point where you can hold this for 20 seconds. Just concentrate on holding it as long as you can in the correct position. If that is 3 seconds at first, so be it. This is one set. Advanced: You will be on your elbows and toes. Hold for twenty seconds.

This is not a wimpy workout. Exercise doesn’t have to be fancy to be effective. Do this workout consistently and you will see results.

Exercise will help make you fit and strong. But if you want to show off those muscles to the best advantage you need to eat a diet that leaves you glowing with health. The next section will show you what to eat, and how to incorporate healthy habits into your crazy busy lifestyle.

40: How to Eat

I put the exercise portion of your total body overhaul first on the list because it is the one area that most people fight the hardest. Nutrition, on the other hand, has the opposite problem. Everyone nods along when we hear that we should be eating better. Most people will even admit that they don’t eat the way they know they should—but then they don’t do anything about it. Everyone has excuses. ‘I don’t have enough time. I don’t know what to eat. All of those diet plans are so confusing. I don’t know where to start. It’s impossible to lose weight when you don’t have time to cook.’

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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