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How to Stay Young

You will adapt.

70: How to Stay Healthy

If you’ve made it to seventy in good health, congratulations! You have just out-performed the generation that came before you. One of the reasons you can look forward to a long and healthy maturity is because you are active. You are active, aren’t you?

The other reason you will live longer than most people born in the generation before yours is because medical science has improved. The techniques for identifying disease before it is a run-away problem have improved.

But none of these improvements will do you any good if you don’t get screened for various diseases on a regular basis. One you hit seventy, you aren’t required to take as many screenings. Still, ‘an ounce of prevention’ is still worth ‘a pound of cure,’ as they say. If the type of screening isn’t harmful to your body—or the benefits outweigh the potential harm—then you should obviously keep having them.

Different Screenings to Consider in Your Seventies

Blood pressure: Checking your blood pressure is one of those non-invasive screenings that you should have regularly. It doesn’t harm you, and the benefits are clear.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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