Search for wellness enhancements with nutrition, supplements, and exercise. We help you reduce medication dependence and achieve ideal health.

How to Stay Young

2) Raise your arms above your head while your legs are still out in front of you. Pull your bellybutton into your spine. Your arms should be by your ears. Lean back very slightly—this is a small move. Hold for 20 seconds (or as long as you can, whichever is shorter). Beginners: Do 2 sets. Advanced: Do 4-6.

Sitting Bike
1) If you are still on the floor from the last exercise you can do this there. Otherwise, you can choose to do this in a chair. Either put your hands on the floor behind you and lean your weight on them, or hold the back of the chair.

2) Pull your knee up toward your chest just until your heel is off the ground. Hold for two and put it down. Do the other side. This is one rep. Beginners: Work up to 4 on each side. Advanced: Do 8. Beginners should add another set only when they are ready. Advanced people can start out at 2 sets and add on a third when they are ready.

The Tip Toe

Beginners, do this exercise near something you can grab hold of if you lose your balance. Use a handy wall or chair. Whatever it is, make sure it can hold your weight.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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