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How to Stay Young

Does this sound like you? You can do something about it. One of the easiest (and healthiest) ways to make friends is to join a group fitness activity. This can be an aerobics class you go to every day, a master’s swim club, or a biking group that meets once a week or once a month. Pick a sport you like or can stand to do regularly, and then go look for a club for it.

This does two things for you. First of all, if you get together regularly with the same people you will automatically build connections. Secondly, with those connections comes responsibility. You are more likely to go exercise regularly if you know people will miss you. It’s a win/win situation.

Do something meaningful

You need to do something you care about. This can be anything from volunteering your time at a charitable organization to raising rare breeds of tomatoes. Pick a subject, get involved, read up on it, and be active in it. Or maybe you could go back to college and get that degree you never had time for. You may have to keep this activity on the sidelines until retirement, but it’s important that you start something right now. Your health depends on it.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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