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How to Stay Young

On the alternate track, you are lean, active, and happy. Your mind is sharp due to good health, good nutrition, and intellectual activities. You have a warm circle of friends who do fun things together. You are independent and loving the freedom that comes from retirement and maturity. You finally know better and are still young enough to use the knowledge wisely.

The great thing about the second track is that it has dozens of on-ramps. You can choose to leave the ‘traditional’ aging process behind no matter how old you are. That great lion of age may have you in his jaws. He may be dragging you off into his cave to have his way with you, but you don’t have to go quietly. You don’t even have to go quickly. All of us age—but you can choose how quickly it happens.

Beat Back the Lion

Your body is an amazing thing. It may have suffered through sixty-plus years of abuse, but given half a chance it will shake off atrophy and disease and become strong and healthy. Have you ever heard of the bird called the phoenix? It bursts into flames in its old age, and then emerges from the flames, born anew.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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