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How to Stay Young

Things are so different these days. We now know that it is possible to prevent, and in many cases reverse, the diseases we used to associate with old age. Everyone has heard the old cliché ‘forty is the new thirty.’ Admittedly, it is pretty silly. It does, however, have a kernel of truth. If you look at the average forty year old person these days—and we’re talking here about a healthy, active person who takes care of him or herself—he or she looks ten years younger than the average forty year old a generation ago.

The same is true for every age group we have covered in this book. It is possible to look, act, and feel 10 years younger than you actually are. The techniques to do so aren’t hard to perform, and they don’t cost a lot of money. Anybody can use them and see an improvement.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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