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How to Stay Young

Get into a routine. Try to do your exercise at the same time every day. Once you get into a habit exercise is easier to do. Eventually you want to be working out for 45 minutes of cardiovascular work a day along with 5 minutes of stretching. This is your first goal.

Once you’ve reached your first goal you are ready to take on balance and strength training. Cut your cardiovascular work down to three days a week. Strength train (either with weights, resistance bands, or your body weight) two days a week. Work on your balance exercises every day.

If you want to occasionally throw in an extra-long day once a week, add in some cardio on a non-cardio day. If you are short on time you can trim your cardio down to 30 minutes and do your balance exercises for 15 minutes to keep your total exercise time down to 45 minutes. Try not to do this too often. You’re retired now. Make the time to exercise. It’s your job. Your boss at your old job wouldn’t have put up with you cutting out of work 15 minutes early every day—or even once or twice a week. Don’t let yourself off the hook.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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