Search for wellness enhancements with nutrition, supplements, and exercise. We help you reduce medication dependence and achieve ideal health.

How to Stay Young

If you’re smart you will consult your doctor or a registered dietician or nutritionist anyway. This is your health we are talking about. Take it seriously.

You can get a copy of the new Food Guide Pyramid for Older Adults at

How to Survive Healthy Eating

If you’ve been a white rice, white bread kind of person for most of your life, whole wheat products might be something of a trial. Brown rice doesn’t taste like white rice. Whole grain, Omega 3 flax seed bread doesn’t taste like your good ol’ Wonder bread. If you go into it thinking it will you are going to have problems.

Most white to whole wheat converts (like me) spent time choking it all down until we got used to the taste. Many people try this method but few stick with it long enough to get used to the whole wheat stuff. Having gained a few years since then I know that there is an easy way and a hard way for everything. The hard way is to go cold turkey and choke it all down until you get used to it. The easy way involves making your whole grain choices more palatable.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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