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How to Stay Young

Osteoporosis: This screening makes sense for all women over the age of 65. If you engage in weight bearing exercise your doctor may allow you to get screened less often. Ask.

Prostate Cancer: This screening isn’t as clear cut in your seventies as it is earlier in your life. The US Preventative Task Force previously found evidence that screening for prostate cancer significantly improved one’s chances of detecting prostate cancer in its early stages. However, testing may lead to false positives, so discuss this with your physician.

Unfortunately, it is unclear whether early detection improves your health outcome once you are over the age of 70. Add to that the frequent false positives that lead to unnecessary biopsies, and the picture becomes even murkier. Ultimately, you have to weigh the benefits verses the risks and make your own decision.

Preventive Health Advisor A to Z:

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