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How to Stay Young

Mental Health: New nerve connections continue to form in your brain throughout your life. You will want to encourage that growth and maintain the ones you already have. Your doctor can check up on how successful you are in this category with a few very simple tests. He or she has probably been performing these tests at your last couple of checkups. Your doctor may ask you about current events, have you count backwards, and test your general mobility. If you are exercising regularly you should pass these tests with flying colors.

At this time in your life your health care will (in general) shift a little away from disease prevention and more toward disability prevention. Exercise regularly, eat right, and keep your mind engaged in stimulating activities. Then relax, knowing that you are doing everything you can do to prolong your lifespan and quality of life.


Getting older can be scary and disheartening. Your body is changing, and you aren’t as energetic as you used to be. Thirty years ago, you would have reason to feel anxious. Medical science assumed that old age was something that could be observed but not changed.

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