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How to Stay Young


How to Begin Exercising Safely and Effectively

When you’re just beginning, you will want to concentrate on long and slow exercise sessions. Keep yourself in the 60-65% range until you become conditioned. Make sure you talk to your doctor before beginning or increasing any exercise program. Remember, it is far better to exercise lightly and adjust it up gradually day by day than to over-do it and never come back. One hard exercise session will not turn the tide of a sedentary lifestyle.

Your aging joints can change the emphasis of your workouts. You will still be exercising 6 days a week. In fact, now that you are retired this will be your new job. Your job is the thing you went to every day, rain or shine, whether you wanted to or not. Exercise is also non-negotiable. Age isn’t trying to creep up on you anymore. That old lion has you in its jaws and is trying to drag you away to devour you. Exercise is the stick you use to beat him back.

What to Do

There are three types of exercise that you will be doing to beat back the lion: cardiovascular work, strength training, and balance/core work. Here is what you need to know to make these exercises work for you:

Cardiovascular work

Listen to your joints. You may have to avoid exercises that jar or stress your joints. If you’ve never exercised at all (or are getting back after a long absence) stick with brisk walking, low-impact aerobics, water jogging, water aerobics, and the stationary bike and treadmill.

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